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Quality Dealing Services

12:56 AM AHSAN

As a Forex trader, you don't want your hard work to be undermined by substandard dealing desk staff. The CMS Forex team of experienced dealers is dedicated to ensuring that your trades are executed in the most timely and accurate manner possible. Unlike some other Forex brokers, we will never execute a market order at a price other than one which you approve. In addition, our dealers will often execute your order at your original price even if the market has moved against you - another practice that sets CMS Forex apart from the average broker.*

The CMS Forex dealing desk strives to provide its clients with some of the fairest and highest quality order execution in the market. Our dealing desk offers both online as well as phone based execution when necessary. Our dealing support team is available 24 hours a day to handle dealing related issues and disputes.

Market Orders
Market orders are created when a trader wants to open a position at the current market price. After the trader clicks on a price, he or she must confirm the price prior to execution. The price sent to the dealing desk will be the price shown in the confirmation window the moment the trader accepted the trade. CMS Forex will execute the trade in real-time if the available price is at or within a few pips of the requested price. Once the order is executed the opened position instantaneousely appears on the client's trading platform.

If the market has moved and no price within a few pips of the requested price is available, the dealing desk will send the client a requote at the most current market price. The client can then either accept or reject the requote. Orders will never be executed at the new price without the client's prior consent. This means that there is never slippage on market orders.* Slippage is defined as the difference between the price approved by the client and the price at which the order is actually executed.

In an attempt to decrease the occurrence of requotes during fast moving markets and to help guarantee effective market entry during major jumps in market price, CMS Forex has introduced a Trader's Range feature in its VT Trader software. The Trader's Range option allows clients to automatically approve requotes within a chosen range. For example, if Trader's Range is set to 10, requotes within ten pips of the requested price will be processed without requiring the client's confirmation. Please note that because orders placed by trading systems are classified as market orders, they are subject to requoting as per market order processing procedures.

Conditional Orders (stops, limits, entry stops, and entry limits)
Conditional orders are triggered when the market price reaches the price specified in the order. When this happens, the client's initial order is activated, requesting that the order be filled at the specified price. Under normal market conditions, CMS Forex will honor the specified price on conditional orders of up to 100 mini or 10 standard lots. Larger orders as well as orders executed in extremely volatile markets will be executed at the next available quote if the market has passed over the requested price. This is known to occur over the weekend, when Sunday's opening price is sometimes significantly different from Friday's closing and during major market moves.

Many Forex dealers widen their spreads prior to a major market move, thus making market entry more difficult. We may limit the placement of new conditional orders to at least 35 pips away from the current market price for approximately 15 minutes before major news announcements. Under normal market conditions you may place conditional orders as close as 5 pips from the market price


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3. Fast FX Profit - Secret Forex Strategy.

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