Currency Converter

current Foreign Exchange Rates


Current Foreign Exchange Rates

What are the current foeign exchange rates and how do I find them?

The current foreign exchange rates change daily. They are constantly traded on in the Forex, or foreign exchange market. The foreign exchange market is the place where currency is traded between various institutions and countries.

The current foreign exchange rates fluxuate depending on trading, but also on economic conditions, political situations, and the stability of the country. Most countries have their own currency, and they are usually traded in the foreign exchange market.

The current foreign exchange rates are usually based on seven major currencies, which are the most traded currencies in the Forex. Those currencies are;

  • U.S. Dollar
  • Euro
  • Canadian Dollar
  • Pound
  • Franc
  • Australian Dollar
  • the Yen
These current foreign exchange rates are easy to find, since the majority of trading comes from these currencies. The current foreign exchange rates can be found through the Forex, or through the financial section on your local newpapers or website. The Forex is published most places that the stock exchange is posted on, so discovering the current foreign exchange rates is not difficult.
Current Foreign Exchange Rates

The current forein exchange rates for May 13, 2009, are as follows. The rate is set against the U.S. dollar. The number given tells you how many of that type of currency it takes to equal one dollar using the current foreign exchange currency.
  • Australian Dollar- 3.7578
  • British Pound- 0.660501
  • Euro- 0.734053
  • Yen- 96.0875
  • Canadian Dollar- 1.16215
  • Franc- 1.10504
Using the current foreign exchange rates, you can make money trading currency on the foreign exchange market.


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